One of the most important factor in burning body fat is the resting metabolic rate (RMR). The calories you metabolize on a daily basis is a combination of those consumed to support your RMR, those consumed from your daily activities and exercise, and those consumed from the thermic effect of eating meals.
Your RMR accounts for approximately 60-70% of the calories you expend on a daily basis, while your activities account for approximately 20-30%, and the thermic effect of food accounts for approximately 10%. Now you must be knowing why emphasis is being laid on making the RMR high by increasing your lean muscle mass.The idea here is to burn calories even when you are at rest .
In the next post I've provided formulas for you to calculate your approximate daily caloric needs in order for you to have an idea of how many calories you need per day to maintain the same weight. You can then adjust appropriately in order to lose weight.
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